
Help MCB soar

You can support biodiversity

BANNER IMAGE: Canada Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese take flight at Goose Pond FWA in Greene County, Indiana. | Photo by Roger Hangarter

Can you recall a special memory of a bird sighting? Sandhill Cranes flying overhead, a tiny Cerulean Warbler hopping along from branch to branch, or an understated yet fascinating Dark-eyed Junco flitting about the forest floor. Or maybe it was simply the variety of birds visiting a backyard feeder.

If we act now, these won’t just be memories from the past. Present and future generations will be able to witness the breathtaking sight of a Red-headed Woodpecker or a majestic Whooping Crane. And they’ll benefit as well from the immense and unparalleled ecosystem benefits that birds bring to our biodiverse world.

A Ruby-throated Hummingbird catches a bath during a light rain shower. Photo by Roger Hangarter

IU’s Midwest Center for Biodiversity is leading cutting-edge research on birds here in the Midwest with its impacts reaching around the globe. You can help empower this work.

Click this button to make a donation to the IU Midwest Center for Birds and Biodiversity.

Please donate to the Conservation of Migratory Birds Support Fund to help us carry out the conservation, outreach, research, and education necessary to protect threatened birds and address climate change. Your support will make a significant difference. Thank you!

Do you have questions?

Would you like to discuss MCB’s impact, learn about making a major gift, or inquire about our vision? We’d love to hear from you!

Ellen Ketterson
Director, Midwest Center for Biodiversity