BANNER IMAGE: A Red-tailed Hawk on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. | Photo by Roger Hangarter
About the MCB
The Midwest Center for Biodiversity at Indiana University Bloomington will determine causes of the declines in biodiversity in the Midwest and beyond by studying birds and the natural communities—including plants, insects, and microbes—in which they are embedded.

Knowing the causes of decline is just the first step; equally important is engaging people in the project by developing solutions to stem the losses. MCB will connect with communities and individuals in the Midwest to provide reliable information about protecting species that depend on each other for survival. Finally, through enhanced educational opportunities, MCB will offer students and community members opportunities to learn about birds and their migrations along with the ecosystems in which they live—promoting stewardship and generating the next generation of experts to carry the knowledge forward.
Mission statement

The Midwest Center for Biodiversity supports research, education, and public engagement directed toward conserving all forms of biodiversity.